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منابع مشابه
Cengage Learning at the TREC 2010 Session Track
This paper details Cengage Leaning’s TREC 2010 Session track submission and our efforts to improve retrieval performance over a user’s session. We use a number of different techniques to achieve this goal including query term weighting, query expansion and re-ranking. In this paper we detail these techniques and the results of our submission. Using our query term weighting technique combined wi...
متن کاملCengage Learning at TREC 2011 Medical Track
This paper details Cengage Learning’s submissions for this year’s TREC medical track. The techniques we used fall roughly into two categories: information extraction and query expansion. From both the queries and the medical reports, we extracted limiting attributes, such as age, race, and gender, and labeled terms appearing in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). We also used three diff...
متن کاملUnderstanding and Learning Statistics by Computer
The best ebooks about Understanding And Learning Statistics By Computer that you can get for free here by download this Understanding And Learning Statistics By Computer and save to your desktop. This ebooks is under topic such as understanding basic statistics cengage learning do hands-on activities increase student understanding?: a how students learn statistics understanding machine learning...
متن کاملOn the effect of low-quality node observation on learning over incremental adaptive networks
In this paper, we study the impact of low-quality node on the performance of incremental least mean square (ILMS) adaptive networks. Adaptive networks involve many nodes with adaptation and learning capabilities. Low-quality mode in the performance of a node in a practical sensor network is modeled by the observation of pure noise (its observation noise) that leads to an unreliable measurement....
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